Monday, April 14, 2008

Hello. Maybe it's time for me to update cause I am waiting for more work to do. This week has been an exciting and tiring week for me. Alot of usual stuff to do and yes Fantasia is coming this Thursday! Can't wait for it to be over soon and kinda excited about it. Working adult life can be so tiring! Now then I know why Jen keeps complaining all the time and don't want to chill with us. HAHA.

God wanted to bring me to some places and I was so fearful and was not prepared for it. The experience was so amazing and would like to share it with everyone. Just ask me what is it and I will tell you what I've encountered. He is always so good. I have also been given tongues and rejoice about it.

Yesterday I saw hands reaching out to me. I thought it was God cause only God will reach out to us. But as I see clearly, the hands look so big which are as big as my body size! It looks so greyish and skully. The hands were so scary and it is from a dark human silhuoette which I thought was God at first and I changed my mind cause I didn't see any glory. It is so frightening and the hands are disgusting. They were trying to touch me but they can't touch me because Devils can't lay hands on the son of God. :)

I need to go to school soon and Luke 11:13 tells us not to doubt God as He loves us so dearly and whatever things we ask for, it will definitely be given to us.

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