Saturday, March 15, 2008

Hello I've missed out blogging for two weeks. I would really like to blog during my office hours but I am just too busy with calling up for companies to send me quotations, get men to come repair my equipments and learning which contractors are trying to be dishonest. Yes I've been so drain out with work, dance and church but I don't see a need to whine! I enjoy everything I am doing now. Maybe work for now is a little tougher for me cause I seriously got alot more of things to learn. Alot of calculations and construction terms that I have to study in depth. Yes, God is still my priority in everything.

Certain times I really feel so sinful cause I've neglected obeying Him and keep seeking forgiveness. But that is not the way! I've been seeking forgiveness over the same issue again and again and keep promising Him again and again that I won't do it again. I shall continue praying with more faith.

Many miracles have happened to me. What I've asked for God has already shown it to me. The recent one is 2 days ago my sister fainted at home. I prayed silently for her and I can see her heart crying. I messaged my brothers and sisters and you know what, she felt better after that and began to walk! Initially she was sitting on the floor leaning helplessly on a stool! Can you imagine that how powerful is God? I did not choose to pray in front of her cause I know that she will feel uncomfortable. When time ripes, I will let her know that is God that healed her!

Yesterday Emily messaged me that she was down with a high fever. I was at my old work place and I prayed for her! After that she came and message me that she felt better! Wonderful God, you are the almighty one.

He has shown me many things through His word and I shall meditate it day and night. God already has plan for us and everything give to me is just in the perfect timing. Praise God.

I would like to share this Matthew 6:25 'Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and body more important than clothes?' I heard this verse before from Timothy. This is so well said. Life is not just about luxury. You are created not to live for luxury in earth. But to store treasures in heaven. You are created to have a convenant with Him but not to obey the prince's evil doings. Have faith in him and He will always feed you. :)

He is so amazing. His love endures forever.

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